Please, people: Before you pick up your phone, and call and swear at someone, please make sure you’re calling the RIGHT DAMN PLACE!
In December 2005, an angry guy called. He had a CD order that he was waiting for. Three discs. He had been waiting a week. I checked inventory, and there was nothing in stock. This pissed him off a lot. These were gifts. I began trying to solve this by retracing the order steps.
I double checked the titles — nothing. I checked orders in our system — nothing for this guy, and nothing for the titles he was asking for. I checked everything under his name to see if we had anything he’d requested, at all! Nothing. Nothing with this guy’s name on it, nothing with the titles he had ordered. What happened? Had we cocked it up?
“How is that fucking possible? I was standing right there in front of you geniuses! You told me it was available, and it would be there in a week! Are you saying you morons screwed up?”
I just love that kind of language!
“No, I’m not saying we screwed up, I’m just trying to figure this out. There’s something missing here. You say you were standing here? As in, you didn’t phone in this order?”
“I was standing right there in front of you idiots. I asked for those discs and you said a week!”
“OK, again, I’m just trying to clarify here: You were standing right here where I am, at our store on Cocknuckles Street?” (Address changed for blog.)
“No! I was at the one at Dicklock Street! Jesus Christ!” (Address also changed for blog…I hope you figured that on your own though.)
“Well, that’s the problem right there. You just called Cocknuckles Street. We wouldn’t have any record of another store’s order.”
“Well FUCK!”
And then he hung up. No, “I’m sorry for being rude,” or “Sorry for the mistake,” or “Sorry for yelling.” Just “FUCK!” and then a hang up.
I called the other store on Dicklock Street a little later. I asked if this guy called for his order. He did, and he was polite as can be.
Filed under: Record Store Tales Tagged: cocknuckles, dicklock, Joe Satriani